Important Information

The working hours of the Library ( Monday to Saturday) :

    Morning Shift circulation hours: 8.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.
    Day Section: 10 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.


  •    Each General Course student is issued one library card and each Honours student gets two library cards. A student can get a single book by each card. A book can be retained by a student for a maximum period of 28  days. Otherwise, a fine of Rs. 10/- is to be paid.
  • A student can reissue a book for another 28ndays if the required book is not on demand.
  • The Honours students are provided with overnight issue facility by means of Overnight Card.
  • The students are provided with a Reading Room Card to avail the reading room facility.
  • The students are required to return their borrowed books within ten days after their semester examination ends. Otherwise, on the eleventh day a fine of rupees one hundred only (Rs. 100/-) will be imposed. If still, a student does not return the issued book/s, a fine of rupees two only (Rs. 2/-) will be imposed per book per day. If it is found that a student has not returned the book/s till the time of filling up of form before the next semester examination, he/she will not be allowed to fill up the form of the next semester examination. The students will have to obtain Clearance Certificate before filling up the form of final semester, the 6th semester examination.
  • The full-time teachers can borrow 30 books at most and can retain them for a maximum period of three months. They can renew a book twice for a period of three months each time if the required book is not on demand.
  • The non-teaching staff members can borrow ten books for a maximum period of three months. They can renew a book twice for a maximum period of three months each time.
  • The State Aided College Teachers (SACT) can borrow five books at most and can retain them for a maximum period of three months. They can also renew the borrowed books twice for a maximum period of three months each time.
  •   The e-resources like the NLIST e-journals and e-books can be accessed by the full-time faculties and the State Aided College Teachers (SACT).

